Lactation Tea
This organic blend of herbs can assist with increasing your milk supply during nursing. This tea is intended for the postpartum stage and NOT during pregnancy. This blend consists of Red Raspberry leaf, Oatstraw, Fenugreek, Fennel seeds, Milk Thistle and Nettle leaf. Add the herbs to hot water & steep for 3-5 minutes. Drink 1 to 2 cups daily.
This product contains Red Raspberry leaf, Oatstraw, Fenugreek, Fennel seeds, Milk Thistle and Nettle leaf.
Fennel Seeds: Not only can Fennel seeds help with digestion but it can also assist with milk production and possibly help babies with colic.
Fenugreek Seeds & Milk Thistle Seeds: Both known to increase milk supply
Nettle Leaf: This herb is also filled with a great amount of vitamins and minerals. It has anti-inflammatory properties and B vitamins which is beneficial for weakened ligaments and reduced muscle tone. It helps replenish iron for those who are anemic and from blood lost whether it's from childbirth or your period.
Oatstraw: Is a nervine tonic known to help reduce stress which can allow your body to create oxytocin which is needed for milk production.
Red Raspberry Leaf: A uterine tonic known to strengthen uterine walls. It's highly recommended during pregnancy as it will help prepare the uterus for childbirth and encourage productive contractions during labor. It's also beneficial for those who are not pregnant; it can help reduce painful cramps during your period. Red Raspberry leaf is filled with magnesium, potassium and vitamins A, C & E.For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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